✿ Welcome to my little spot on the internet ✿

Take a look around, dig through some of my stuff, do whatever you want! I'm glad you came for a visit ´・ᴗ・`

✧ About Me ✧

I'm yaebee! Welcome to my site (*•‿•*). I'm a longtime lurker of the handmade web and neocities. I do a lot of design stuff, some code stuff, and some art stuff. I created this site as a space to experiment with design and to keep learning after I leave school.


○ [4/21/2023] Added thoughts page
○ [4/20/2023] Worked on homepage
○ [4/19/2023] Created site!

This site is under construction (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Internet Hiker's Log